Wednesday 24 September 2014

Potencial problems and plan B

There are some problems I anticipate during the planning and making of my short film. One of the main concerns I have is that I will not be able to get all of the cast and crew together at a specific time because of other commitments. Another is that the weather could affect filming and totally change the quality of my film. I think that another problem is that I will have to make the film adhere to the five minute length. Furthermore, I will have to use some techniques to make the low budget less noticeable. I will also have to find costumes for the actors to use, which may be difficult.

If these problems above arise and continue to disrupt filming I will have to alter my script and locations, possibly setting the film in more indoor environments. This will take more time and planning but I think that changing the setting will not affect the overall quality of it.

Video-seven ways to challenge yourself as a filmmaker

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