Friday 27 March 2015

Consent forms

Before I began filming I knew that I needed to gain permission from my two actors. I designed a consent form for my actors signature. It is important to gather permission before filming as you have a clear indication of the actor or actresses involvement.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Illusion short film

This is the last version of my short film Illusion. I had some difficulty since the college hard drive I was using broken , making me unable to finalize and export the last version of the film. All I could manage to salvage was this version , but I am still pretty pleased with the end results.

Magazine review page progress

 After receiving feedback , I noticed that my review page was lacking compared to my film poster. I decided to concentrate much more on this ancillary task than the other to make sure that it did not affect my overall grade. I discovered that my font size varied too much and needed to be more consistent throughout the article.The size was just too large to resemble other sophisticated magazines and the columns were also untidy.There were several spelling and punctuation errors which I soon ammended too.To improve further , I need to alter the image as it does not have much synergy with he film , is out of focus and is forgettable.

Friday 6 March 2015

Illusion short film( first draft)

The reason I have named this version my first draft is that their are elements of it that I am unhappy with . For instance , some shots have difficulty with sound , it is hard to hear what the characters say at times. Also , I want to edit the film further so it is shorter and more compact.The major issue I have encountered this year making a film is being able to decided the correct amount of footage to shoot. For example , I firstly recorded too little footage and then ended up recording too much , so I needed to narrow it down to the most important moments.