Tuesday, 14 April 2015

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Within my short film , poster and magazine review page I attempted to create synergy. The  poster in particular was mysterious and elusive , so it intrigued but also kept the storyline and narrative as secret as possible so the audience could discover it for themselves when watching the short film.
The poster was drawn and inspired by the art deco style of the 30s , 40s and 50s , giving it a memorable and timeless quality. Similarly , the short film also recalled earlier periods of cinema as with the black and white effect and crime thriller storyline , similar to that in an Alfred Hitchcock project. I believe that the combination of my ancillary tasks  and my short film , was successful because the poster had the image of an eye overlooking the world below and I made this image prominent by the films close. My magazine review page on the other hand , attempts to address the conventional magazine layout and promotes the film to a wider audience. It took skill writing the review pages article as you have to be concerned in not spoiling the film for the audience while also critiquing its flaws and successes.

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