Thursday, 8 January 2015

Key influences

This post will examine what other fathers have influenced my own product. Although , the film is a thriller , it also has elements of the science fiction and horror  genres.One major issue with the films narrative was that it was of a huge scale, the idea of government control is  probably too ambitious to do justice in only three minutes.I tried to scale the action back and make it more of a story about the relationship between two people and the effect society has had on them.

                                                          Strangers on a train (Alfred Hitchcock , 1951)

I am aware I have already covered that this film influenced me , but the idea of two major charcters under pressure is seen here with one man blackmailing the other. The black and white makes the film more harrowing and frightening as the character of Bruno appearing in the shadows confronts Guy.

                                                                     The Hunger Games(Gary Ross,2012)

As mentioned previously , my short film has much in common with science fiction and dystopian society.The Hunger Games seems to be very similar on paper , but it is different when you watch my short film as mine is much smaller in scale.The film is a 12A similar to this franchise as it has a lot of adult themes , but is not as violent as many other thriller or science fiction films.

                                                                            Brazil (Terry Gillaim, 1985)

Much of the strangeness of my film is similar to the approach Terry Gilliam's Brazil took when it came out in 1985.Even if you watch the film multiple times , you see something you never noticed before , and the film is packed with different meanings and theme , similar to my own.

                                                                   The Truman Show (Peter Weir, 1998) 

This film is similar to my film as the main protagonist finds himself in a world he does not fully understand. Its a world that is controlled by a higher force and I think that this film influenced me in that respect. The big difference is that the main character finds a way out of his nightmare , but in my short , the protagonists do not have a happy ending.

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